Destroying the Whore of Babylon Conference

Anti-Human Trafficking Summit
A collaborative strategy to realize the fulfillment of the complete destruction of “The Whore of Babylon” who made “The Kings of the Earth” rich through HUMAN TRAFFICKING as Prophesied in The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev. Ch 17-18) of the Holy Scriptures.
Dan Duval
Pete “Doc” Chambers
Troy Brewer
Bazzal & Tina Baz
Craig “Sawman” Sawyer
Mike Smith
Mary Flynn O’Neil.
Friday, 6/20 | 7:00 – 9:15PM
Saturday, 6/21 | 8:30AM – 9:15PM
Sunday, 6/22 | 8:30AM – 4:00PM
Childcare available for the Saturday 7-9PM & Sunday 10AM -12PM Sessions