
From 04-21-2025 To 04-25-2025

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“Get Free, Stay Free, Help Others Get Free”This has been the spiritual Battle Cry of The Church of Glad Tidings since 1997, when Pastor Dave and Cheryl Bryan were thrust into the front lines of Spiritual Warfare in a life and death confrontation with Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan – a fight that left Anton (The Black Pope) dead, and one of his daughters (DJ) gloriously delivered from a life of misery and satanic ritual abuse! Since then, Pastor Dave’s Isaiah 61 conference on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance has been taught in person or via the internet all over the world, equipping tens of thousands of believers with the tools necessary to achieve personal, spiritual freedom, while at the same time, enabling them to share the weapons and strategies of spiritual warfare with many others.
This unique conference will give you an in-depth look at what the Bible says about the spiritual war that rages in the unseen world against every living soul… the war we all must face, whether we are prepared for it or not! Come draw from the wealth of experience that Pastor Dave, Cheryl and their seasoned deliverance team have accumulated over their decades of involvement in strategic and occult level deliverance and spiritual warfare, and learn how to walk out the promises of Isaiah 61!

Watch How We Got Involved In Deliverance

The Savior



Popular author, speaker, and podcast host, Daniel Duval leads BRIDE Ministries International, focusing on faith-based trauma resolution through Inner Healing and Deliverance. The ministry particularly supports survivors of severe traumas including government-sponsored mind control and trafficking.

Q&A Pre-Signup

Question & Answer Session – Friday, April 25th – Sign-Up Form
Sign up after registering for the conference.

In-Person or Online *


Pastor Dave & Cheryl Bryan

Dave along with his wife Cheryl have been the Ministry Team Leaders of Glad Tidings Church since 1987. A dramatic conflict in 1997 thrust Dave & Cheryl into the forefront as well-respected trainers in both harrassment/oppression level and occult level deliverance.

Jess Parker

Jess Parker is the founder and president of Tearing Down Strongholds Ministries. Jess ministers and conducts Conferences as well as 3-Day Seminars nationally and internationally, training leaders to recognize and defeat demonic activity in the lives of God’s people. May God bless each of you for your continued prayers and monetary support for Jess and TDS Ministries.

6:30 pm - 7:00 pm


7:00 pm - 7:30 pm


7:30 pm

Session 1 - Dave Bryan - “Beautiful Theories vs Ugly Facts” Pt 1

Pastor Dave
9:00 am

Session 2 - Dave Bryan - “Beautiful Theories vs Ugly Facts” Pt 2

Pastor Dave
11:00 am - 12:30 am

Session 3 - Dave Bryan - “Under the Influence”

Pastor Dave
12:30 pm

Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

GT Store Open

2:00 pm

Session 4 - Cheryl Bryan - Personal Testimony

Pastor Dave
3:30 pm

Session 5 - Jess Parker - “Strongholds of Rejection”

Jess Parker
4:30 pm

Open Ministry Session

5:00 pm

Dinner Break (on your own)

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

GT Store Open

7:00 pm

Session 6 - Dave Bryan - “Recognizing Hindering Spirits”

Pastor Dave
8:30 am

GT Store Open

9:00 am

Session 7 - Dave Bryan - “A New Testament Case For Deliverance”

Pastor Dave
11:00 am

Session 8 - Dave Bryan - “Tearing Down Strongholds'“ Pt 1

Pastor Dave
12:30 pm

Lunch Break (Cafe open)

2:00 pm

Session 9 - Cheryl Bryan - “Weeding Your Garden”

Pastor Dave
3:30 pm

Session 10 - Jess Parker - “Stronghold of Anxiety/Fear”

Jess Parker
4:30 pm

Open Ministry Session

5:00 pm

Dinner Break (on your own)

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

GT Store Open

7:00 pm

Session 11 - Dave Bryan - “Cultivating a Mind to Fight”

Pastor Dave
8:30 am - 9:00 am

GT Store Open

9:00 am

Session 12 - Dave Bryan - “Tearing Down Strongholds” Pt 2

Pastor Dave
11:00 am

Session 13 - Dave Bryan - “Thrones of the Soul”

Pastor Dave
12:30 pm

Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

GT Store Open

2:00 pm

Session 14 - Chery l Bryan - “Kingdom Living”

Pastor Dave
3:30 pm

Session 15 - Jess Parker - “Strongholds of Deception”

Jess Parker
4:30 pm

Open Ministry Session

5:00 pm

Dinner Break (on your own)

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

GT Store Open

7:00 pm

Session 16 - Dave Bryan - “Weapons of Our Warfare” Pt 1

Pastor Dave
8:30 am - 9:00 am

GT Store Open

(last opportunity to purchase material)

9:00 am

Session 17 - Dave Bryan - “Weapons of Our Warfare” - Part 1

Pastor Dave
11:00 am

Session 18 - Dave Bryan - “Weapons of Our Warfare” - Part 2

12:30 pm

Lunch Break (Cafe open)

2:00 pm

Q & A

3:30 pm


5:00 pm

Dinner Break (on your own)

7:00 pm

Church of Glad Tidings Service

  • Date : 04-21-2025 - 04-25-2025
  • Reg. Deadline : 04-22-2025 12:00 pm
  • Venue : 1179 Eager Road, Live Oak, CA 95953

Purchase Ticket

In Person

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